Sunday morning we took a plane over to the Big Island and attended church where we met some couple missionaries who helped us get a great deal at the PCC. It pays to go to church.

Annie in an action shot at the condo in Maui. We loved the pool!

Allison, Brooke and Annie making pucca shell necklaces. Being with her favorite cousins ever!

Snow cones every day at 1:00 for a dollar! Best deal on the island for sure.

We enjoyed the snow cone deal as well!

A beautiful sunset!

Our favorite restaurant, we ate there twice. You could just walk down the beach from our Condo.

Emily, Kelsey and Nicole. Beautiful girls in every way!

The roadside fruit stands in Maui are always fun to stop and get a snack.

We bought some yummy pineapples and ate them at our condo the next day.

One of best memories of Maui had to be hiking to the various waterfalls and then just jumping in and enjoying the nice cool water!

Zack, Annie, Emily, Lizzy, and Tyler stopped for a quick minute so I could take their picture.
Lizzy, Ty's girlfriend was wonderful and fit right in as one of the girls.

We loved being with Annie and Emily and sharing time with our beautiful daughters. About eight years earlier Blair and I took our three oldest to Hawaii, so it was really about time we took Annie and Emily!

Seeing bananas on a tree instead of in a crate at Costco! Cool!

We watched others jump off the cliff at the waterfalls, but it felt safer, just to swim!

Blair and Annie hiking back from the waterfalls.

The bamboo trees were so colorful and we decided to snap a few pictures.

Annie was a joy to be with. She is a real traveler!

A scenic shot of Maui.